“It’s Jesus!’ exclaimed the wide eyed young girl as she opened the door to her minister. It was in fact Rose Luxford (Oamaru) visiting to deliver the call to worship for one of the children in the family to read the following Sunday.
Rose recounted this story over dinner at a recent Presbytery resource meeting and the conversation around the table continued animatedly. There were many other delightful and amusing stories that people had experienced - when children saw the minister (male or female) as God or Jesus.
Later the conversation came back to mind and I pondered a bit more about WHY children might say this. What do they see and hear and experience that equates that person at the front with Jesus/God? The words they speak and pray? The actions and warm welcome they extend? (Kids Friendly certainly hopes so!) The clothes they wear?
Is it just something to be amused or embarrassed about and quickly correct. Or do we CELEBRATE that a child in their simple faith sees their leader as Jesus? And as Christians – with Christ IN us- is there a challenge ‘from the mouths of babes’ for ALL of us to become more like Jesus – ‘Jesus with skin on’ to our friends, family, neighbours and of course the children we are in contact with.
What do you think?
Cheryl Harray is the Kids Friendly Advisor to the Synod of Otago & Southland region.